Child Dedication Ceremony 孩童献身仪式

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Child Dedication Ceremony 孩童献身礼仪式

Congratulations for dedicating your child to the Lord!  

"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward." (Psalm 127:3).

Children are a gift of God. Child dedication is an act of consecrating the child to the Lord—a declaration and show of our commitment to raising the child in a godly manner.  When you dedicate your child to the Lord, it is an act of dedication to supporting and walking with your child in their spiritual journey with God's help.  It sets the foundation for your children's spiritual life and a starting point for their faith journey.

Child dedication is available for children aged 12 and under. To sign up, please note that only parents can enrol their children. Additionally, at least one parent must be a believer. If you are child's legal guardian or would like to make a special request, please indicate this in the form. Please note that these requests are subject to approval from the church leaders.

"儿女是耶和华所赐的产业; 所怀的胎是他所给的赏赐."(诗篇 127:3)


孩童献身礼的对象是 12 岁及以下的孩童。请注意,这只是开放给孩童的父母报名。此外,父母中必须至少有一方是信徒。如果您是孩子的法定监护人或有特殊要求,请在表格中注明再待教会领导批准。

Venue:  Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands and Tampines
Date   : 13 October 2024
Time   : 9.00am and 11.30am
Registration closes on 22 September 2024

地点  : 灯塔教会兀兰会所及淡滨尼会所 
日期  : 2024 年10月13日
时间  : 早上9点及11点30分

Particulars of Child 孩童资料